Opening the bidding with a Weak 2
Weak 2 bids take away bidding space from our opponents but they also take away our own bidding space. We have to get the balance right between making life hard for our opponents and easy for our partner.
A weak 2 bid shows a 6 card suit and less than an opening hand, typically 6-10 points. The preemptive effect can make it difficult for the opponents to bid.
Suit quality for a weak 2 bid
Many players use a rule of thumb such as two of the top four honours when opening the bidding with a weak 2 bid. Intermediate cards are also important. KQ10975 is better than KQ5432.
Depending on the vulnerability, some players are a lot more aggressive. For the adventurous, not vulnerable, just about anything goes. How about a 5 card suit? It does happen!
This is a typical hand to open a weak 2♠.

You hope to make it difficult for your opponents to find their likely heart fit.
This is too strong to open 2♠.

Just start at the 1-level.
Weak 2 opening less than an opening hand good 6-card suit 2 honours in the suit
Having opened a weak 2, you should not bid again unless partner makes a forcing bid. Partner has enough information to know what to do.
Responding to a Weak 2 Opening
A weak 2 shows less than an opening hand so responder needs a good hand, or good trump support, to enter the auction.
With 3-card trump support it's worthwhile raising partner, even with a weak hand, to make it harder for opponents to know what to do.

South raises to 3♥ purely to be a nuisance. With four card support South could even bid game.
Multi 2♦
A Multi 2♦ opening bid shows either a strong balanced hand or a weak 2 in either major.
Multi 2♦ opening bid and responses 2♦ = BAL, 20-21 or 6♥ or 6♠ - 2♥ = p/c - 2♠ = p/c happy to play in 3♥ - 2N = ENQ - 3♣ = oM, INV or better -- 3♦ = reject -- 3M = NAT with support in other M - 3♦ = 3♥, 3♠ - 3♥ = 3♥, 4♠ - 3♠ = 4♥, 3♠ - 3N = 4♥, 4♠ - 4♣ = TRF me to your M
Multi 2♦ continuations after 2NT ENQ 2♦ - 2N -- 3♣ = bad WK2 ; BAL 20-21 --- 3♦ = bid short M --- 3M = pass or correct -- 3♦ = WK 2♥, MIN -- 3♥ = WK 2♠, MIN -- 3♠ = WK 2♥, MAX -- 3N = WK 2♠, MAX --- 4♣ = KCB in opener's suit - 0,1,1+,2,2+
Interference 2♦ - (x) -- P = mild suggestion to play -- xx = pass with 20-21 or correct -- 2♥,2♠ = as usual but constructive - (2M) -- x = p/c - (other) -- x = penalties
Defence to Multi 2♦
(2♦) - x = t/o of ♠ or 17+HCP - 2♥ = t/o of ♥ but partner can pass - 2NT = BAL, 15-18 - simple overcall = simple overcall - 3♠ = 5♠+5m - 4♣ = 5♥+5♣ - 4♦ = 5♥+5♦
tags: #weak2bids